What you should know about attraction

From creation man has been attracted to fine qualities, as a result you may find people to be respectable, even likable, although they are not really you associate. But shunning them brings no good, working what is good toward all makes you attractive too.

But if we are not careful we may formed close bond with individuals who have little or no interest in us. Because of this many have completely lost good qualities. Example is JAMES a good soccer play who began associating with people who because of their qualities were likeable but the showed no interest in JAMES, JAMES new associates made him engage in heavy drinking and experimenting with drugs, after a while JAMES left his family, lost his job and worst of all was neglected by his new associates.

Close friends are like two people riding in the same car, inevitably head in the same direction and arrive at the same destination. So ask yourself: Does the road my friend is on lead where I want to go??

This self examining question can help you become attracted to the right people
