Top 2 secrets why you should do manual labor
Manual labour (in British English, manual labor in American English) or manual work is physical work done by people, most especially in contrast to that done by machines, and to that done by working animals. Though many view it stressful, and unpleasant. Many have had benefits doing hardwork BETTER LIFE : Manual labor or manual work have been know to promote good health, keeping you in shape and physically fit. What skills can help you?? 1)changing bad car tires 2)bathroom cleaning 3)window repairs 4)electronic repairs 5)plumbing 6)masonry 7)carpentry This are just a few that can help you live successfully on your own someday GOOD BEHAVIOR : Manual labor can also enhance the way you feel about yourself, build your self-esteem. It can help you learn valuable qualities like Patience, it give you a sense of confidence and satisfaction To succeed you can start by learning how to do manual work a home, or attend a school t...